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PreMarket SMI & Midcaps

Bank Julius Baer provides daily tradeable PreMarket quotes on all SMI stocks as well as on a selected choice of Swiss midcaps stocks, mutual funds and ETF between 08:00 and 08:45 h.

We are pleased to accept your orders through your custodian bank or call our Julius Baer trading desk directly.

For SMI stocks and a selected choice of Swiss midcaps stocks: phone +41 (0) 58 888 8680
For a selected choice of ETF and mutual funds: phone +41(0) 58 888 8766

You find the PreMarket quotes for mutual funds & ETF here.

Learn more about our Julius Baer Swiss PreMarket App and enjoy numerous benefits while on the move.
Index is calculated by Julius Baer based on mid prices. Premarket data may not be delivered to any other professional Information Supplier Provider without prior approval by Julius Baer
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